Military On-Site Training and Observation

Eighteen shots, beginning with the Fall 1951 series and continuing through the Spring 1955 series, have been used for maneuvers by Army or Marine troops, and for observation by military.
personnel. These have included various Exercise Desert Rock maneuvers, in which troops were stationed in trenches, tanks, or

personnel carriers, and in which Marines also studied vertical
envelopment by use of helicopters.

Experience has shown that the maneuvers have been of real value
in the training and orientation of troops and commanders in the
employment of essential personnel and equipment protection measures,
and in the tactical employment of atomic weapons and ground forces
under simulated atomic combat conditions, both offensive and
Exercises are directed by the Commander, Sixth U. S. Army,
with headquarters at The Presidio, San Francisco.
Soldiers, Marines, and their officers have observed detonations
from trenches and foxholes at distances of 7,000 to less than 2,500
yards, depending on the nature of the exercise, the type of
detonation, and otherfactors.
Air Crew Training and Indoctrination

Training of air crews and general indoctrination have been a

part of each test series in Nevada.

Coordination of the program

is achieved through the joint efforts of the Armed Forces Special

Weapons Project and the U. S. Air Force Special Weapons Center.

The 1955 series included training programs for the Strategic
and Tactical Air Commands, other Air Force Commands, and Navy and
Marine air units. Training and support missions have included reconnaisance, photography, cloud tracking, weapons delivery, fighter
escort, and drone operations. About 2,600 sorties originated at
numerous bases throughout the United States and at least one base
outside the continent in the 1955 program. Some 25 basic types of
aircraft were used.

Control of all aircraft was accomplished through an Air Control

Center at the Test Site, operated by AFSWC personnel integrated into
the Test Ofganization. Facilities for visiting aircraft and for
official observers were operated at Indian Springs Air Force Base.
Public Health Service Training

Active and reserve officers of the U. S. Public Health Service
first participated in the off-site radiation monitoring program

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