
Use of Land By Grantor,

When not actively used by the

United States of America,said lands and improvements will be made
available to the Grantor on a license basis, for the use amd benefit
of the people of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,

The license

shall be subject to the following conditions:


The license may be revoked at any time by the United


The Grantor shall reimburse the United States of

America for any utilities and services furnished.


Grantor shall maintain and be responsible for any loss

or damage to the real property and personal property owned by the United
States of America, except for less or damage caused by ordinary wear and
tear and conditions beyond the control of the Grantor,


Grantor shall be responsible for any damage or injury

to others arising from the use by the Grantor or the people of the Trust

Territory of the Pacific Islands of said land or any improvements or
facilities located thereon.


No permanent native dwellings or settlements shall be

established on said land without the Grantor obtaining prior written
approval from the United States of America.
In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this
agreement as of the day and year first above written.

Government of the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands




D. He Tucker

High Commissioner
The United St





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By direction of the Chief gf the Bureau
of Yards
Docks, acting under the
direction of the Secretary cof the Navy

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Nurtrded Ch 7 page 6,7
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States of America so advising the Grantor in writing.

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