Contract AT(29-2)-1073

"indirect costs of the cee Special Facilities Division" shall
include and be deemed to refer to any and all costs of the
Division which are not chargeable directly. to either or both
of said contracts in accordance with Holmes & Narver, Inc.'s
noymal divisional accounting practices, as. approved by the
AEC and PMR, and which are otherwise allowable or reimbursable
under said contracts,


The indirect costs of the Special Facilities Division shall
be apportioned to Contract AT(29-2)-20 and Contract N123
(67156) 23306A(PMR) on the basis of the total adjusted

direct allowable or reimbursable costs for the pe riod involved under each of these contracts,

"Adjusted" as used

herein shall mean that there shall be deducted from the
total allowable or reimbursable direct costs under each of the
the contracts involved an.amount representingall premium
labor costs under each of the contracts. "Premium labor




costs’ as used herein shall refer to all overtime pay, (i..e.,
pay for work in excess of a 40 hour week or an 8 hour day),
all holiday pay, all bonus or extra compensation pay, and
all fringe benefits applicable to the foregoing premium pay


Select target paragraph3