AOA 28


To the People of Rongelap
I wish to thank you for your letter of October 1, 1976, bringing
to my attention your views on the medical care of those of you
who were exposed to the radiation from the falleut. I have
carefully considered your views and appreciate the opportunity
to answer your questions.
First, IL would like to comment with regard to travel of
Marshallese patients to the United States.
Since only very few
Americans know your language, it is indeed necessary for
Marshallese attendants to accompany patients that come to the
U.S. for treatment. Unfortunately, on two occasions, this did
net occur for various reasons.

i have been assured, however,

every effort will be made in the future to have all patients


accompanied by English-speaking Marshallese attendants. Also,
when traveling outside the Trust Territory adequate travel funds
will be provided. In addition, I will urge the Trust Territory
officials to arrange necessary papers, such as paseports, well
in advance.

Whenever the Brooxhaven doctors are at Rongelap, they give anyone
with sickness the best treatment available under the circumstances.
As in the past, any exposed person with a disease that appears to
be caused by radiation exposure will be taken to the U.S. for
treatment if necessary. In the case that adequate facilities are
available locally, patients who require hospitalization will be
treated in the Trust Territory hospitals.
Dr. Knudsen will assist
in the treatment of the patients at these hospitals. Medicines
needed for treatment at Rongelap that are not available from the
Trust Territory Department of Health Services will, if possible,
be provided by ERDA doctors.

resosirony DO E- FORRESTAL.


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rovoen 4.2 INC 17 7G- 0CT 27,1977




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