The U.S. Department of Energy must recognize that, because of past unfortunate experiences, the people of Bikini have little confidence in U.S. Government scientists. 1968, the Atomic Energy Commission, DOE's predecessor, that Bikini could be safely resettled. based on a diet survey showing that In stated This conclusion was a Bikinian's entire daily intake of coconut, one of the predominant foods in his diet, would be nine grams ~- two or three teaspoonsful. figure was grossly erroneous. typographical error, and 900 grams. In fact, This it was probably a since the correct figure is between 600 Nevertheless, this nine-gram figure was plugged into the computations and resulted in an extraordin- arily low internal dose assessment. The scientists who estimated the health risks in 1968 failed to assess the plausibility of all the data upon which their calculations were based. As a result, people were resettled on Bikini from 1969 until 1978, at which point the people living on the island were again evacuated following disclosure that their body burdens of radioactive cesium-137 greatly exceeded U.S. standards. In light of this history, it is no wonder that 5 the Bikinians demand a survey that is truly independent ool TF. thorough -- one that includes an independent gathering of nev. samples from Bikini.