by it to the Bikinians, including fiduciary duties found in
the Trusteeship Agreement.

Article 6 of the Trusteeship Agreement obligates
the United States:

to "protect

[the Bikinians] against the loss

of their land and resources";

to “promote the economic advancement and self-

sufficiency" of the Bikinians;

to “improve

[the Bikinians']

means of trans-

portation and communication"; and

to "protect the health" of the Bikinians.

The suit contends that the United States has violated
these fiduciary or trust obligations.

The Bikinians have not

been protected against loss of their lands and resources.

Rather, Bikini Atoll was taken from them in 1946 and they will
be denied use and occupation of their homeland for many years
to come.


in returning people to Bikini in the 1970's

when the atoll was not safe,

the United States failed to protect

the physical and emotional health of the Bikinians.
The United States has also failed to promote the
economic advancement,

self-sufficiency and means of transporta-

tion and communication of the Bikinians.

Bikinians live on Kili, a single,
southern Marshalls.

The majority of

isolated island in the

From late October until late spring,


Select target paragraph3