g. The Chief of Naval Operations and the Chairman,

Atomic Energy Commission monitor the selection of
official observers, extend invitations and issue
appropriate instructions and guidance to the Department
of Defense, and to those selected by the Atomic Energy
Commission respectively.
h, The Military Liaison Committee be designated as
the intermediary to handle correspondence regarding
observers between the Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations and the Atomic Energy Commission,
i. That the invitaticn to each individual include
pertinent security instructions as to the classification
of the operation, and that each individual be requested
to sign a security acknowledgment statement,
j. That the names, titles and official addresses
of selected individuals be forwarded by the Chief of
Naval Operations to Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN

not later than 15 March 1956,

k, Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN will be
charged with the issuance of orders, reception,
scheduling of military transportation, quartering,
messing, and the issuance of necessary administrative
instructions to the observers,
1, That no other official observer program be
m. No representatives of the press or public
information service be invited.

2, In formulating these recommendations the fact that the

schedule for shots in REDWING will exceed previous ones by a
factor of three was the most dynamic feature involved.
factor has necessitated the organization of a considerably
larger Task Force than in the past.
As a result, a most
critical shortage of accommodations will exist in the Pacific
Proving Ground,
The maximum number of official observers that
can be accommodated at any one time is twenty (20),
I believe
that other interested agencies can obtain desired information
through post-operation viewing of documentary films and reference
to the history of REDWING which will be prepared.
In the past

a separate group of individuals loosely described as "project
participants", was recognized in the tests. I realize that
agencies such as Division of Military Application, Armed Forces

Special Weapons Project, and the Armed Services have a real need
to incorporate certain persons into the program, But in view of
the foregoing urgently recommend that no such ancillary
category of unorganized personnel be recognized.
If it is deemed
absolutely necessary that such personnel take part in all or
part of the tests the parent organization should work these
individuals directly into the Task Groups concerned ~ within these
group's ceilings, and under the group's direct control, in
coordination with this headquarters.

Select target paragraph3