common defense and security since it does not give any indication
as to how such a device is designed or built or any indication
asp to how it operates,

Moreover, the yield of Mike is well .

within that which our foremost scientists have often openly


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discussed as being possible (e.g. "a thousand times more powerful.

than the Hiroshima bomb" -- H.A. Bethe).

Moreover, the observed

yield of any particular device does not in any way imply that
such a device is the most powerful or least powerful which we

are able to build; it indicates merely the power (the yield) of
the specific device tested,

While this declassification of the

calculable yield of a specific device is contrary to paragraph

12b(6) of the Joint AEC-DOD Classification Guide, it is not
considered necessary to revise the Guide at this time since such
revision would apply the declassification action in this case

to all other such weapons or devices,


3. In addition to the yield of the Mike device, the modified
Operation IVY film may also: imply that the Mike device was
probably not a deliverable device,

This is not clear from the

picture since no view of the device itself is shown.

The fact

that it is on the ground may be explained on the basisof the
requirement for extensive scientific measurements, (e.g. the
2 mile helium box), and the size of the "house" door, on the
basis of motorized

equipment Such aS cranes,

The Los Alamos

scientists do not object to the release of this item of information, a judgment in which the Office of Classification concurs,
since the deliverability or non-deliverability of the Mike device
pears no relationship to whether or not the AEC possesses de-

liverable thermonuclear weapons, but refers only to a characteristic of the specific device tested,


Select target paragraph3