THE DANCE TOAPRIL GY, 1933 ABEL to PRIai POG ANCEP DbayuselOF* -42] On PV ED AND PACECTED NUMBERS BYS... Letters to the Editor -— —_-— . Cars deaths by oe? Awertaideat , Notte - Sec—dln December, i¢s2, the BBC television prosranine Die ri be 4 ‘ 1 rl i) Repu top. ia Pay ‘ li sey will Wier rad ed te) 3a°3 vedo Sa Le Yee. : 37 td foes uoaly Nata nie inigated a follow-up of men whe bad been involved ii nuvicar Weapons testing inthe South Pacwic by inviting ost ash wountia irom viewers. The crogrammealso enlisted cur help wilh whe stat stical analysis of reper ed ilinysses and deurhs. The Seuta Pacific tests whose local base was Christ sas Pslana ~ evenatped in time with other weaoons tests. Thus, bacre were twelve tests in Western and South Australia berween 1952 and 1957, and mine South Pacuie tests beeweea Mav. P9597, and Nover ber. 1933. The follow-up of the Seuth Packie popuHON bo far trot Complere but already there is evidence of on abae macy Sisnoaneidence of leukgermua ged other systen (RES: sooplasms. ‘Lhe number of Briush servicemen and civilians who witnessed the tests or helped with the removal of radioactive waste 1s not yer accurately known, Flowever, we have provisionally estunated that auvll ct che 13000 men who (according to an answer fo 4 Parluinentury question on Feb 8, 19331) took parti the wile serve oltwenty-one British vests were involvedin the Souk Paci tests, We ure also assuming that these men had the same age distribution as alo members of HM Forces serming Ovetacs ia O37." Hleoes, the figures for the overail size and age-distriburion of the study poou.ation in table 1, . TALE - PRESLUTSTALEOF (Hn bOLLOW-UPOPBRIT SHS RVICEMEN Whoo fuck PART IN [997--JANUCLEAR WEAPONS [ES US - mnre ene pre te Expectations lor South Macuic servicemen” . ee ee ‘|; Aas cet os : j at ‘T |i i. Alo) au] AU ots Tate: Fe el Ws Serie VE Fy an ay? a3 OT 1-5 boas '- Raed 1 we baa aA -- Ros 2 eat at | 4 | lies 4 wo . 1 peewee eee ee tye TS Lua Se fe 8 Sv it LA of tox hoy ne . . so, 2 3 Ge} ror 44300, me _ be ee ddoeb f ain 4s sy i tae a te - fag > | i | +t rot. SR Pero gic whaeateadl from causes otfier tan Bios nes shsms theto wae a hiserv of ap iste anaemia 3 ease > POOP EL Ma veda Jou ouphomain 2. Finally, amen rthe ven wing were Wait Soo tea dae ond therefore stllin shee 4tis7 nds), thers aie uiieads Te repetted cases Gl catardet a Por theater wich RES neoplasms tne documentics evidenes in suigpertoaithe: veivdoais aud ve upans testinwulverment oo such (hata Lad ai dar f can be coniitertly excluded. Thais leaves as ussuble CN Pa SG ot oh Tagh tuende ace of res. fadtanion-relatid anecers thu tl Co tab ti te iment 2trise rhun the $0v0 we hive alowed: (Ay Muh bieser cacruiiun descs thun fa Lherto bess supposed: (o wus th btace carn fot Pot smug dos of radution tsan fas Litherto boctisc, peoeds ns exposur:Potinerren tes thes causes ef Ris heey ladta. cfd con Giathon af same or alld tucse Sic Eers, foe. Benak Lee atta i Sus SE on, "berat sob las Hao whaa iio. it “Dot Se VAN Abr ar SARS eek Ww) - MK ve The Stigs presented tm tie chawe lene ba Th wessar Rao dh Sorako wl lds Scowarrk wah iret or. eo LW ot rho fhe south Cli cose urine EYSF $8. ey. Ge moat SUH wa Ty Haifes io cabo a $ubscduent amc. of RES ON? ivihy;Pa ethos cathy dpe acre ab the Gatisbers tape. Ol eM the Rais SEP DN Cpa eb wo — - ai deb bret EMO LE LSet cakes tor Panelamel gird Woloos ot Tea Dae od amd De haere ph Ne peti tare quate cates dor Ener nad aad Walee bo per ea cfs Moos? assaiipuions are covrest then, although the guniber at reopedeesis os. Thus fain omy 330, the number of weaths Chon veosaendand other RES neom ams ts uready ouch tuaher thon wothe be expected if all SOAd men had been sollue shop qtable td For 2lutine 27 RES neoplosins in table i rikere ia iQue ot. penoien robunal or dedth ceramics coafrmation of the ewise of feack. 13 | ada OP Us PR UE OG de. bot aod the Gelighot she ba ba ohwa yee” CE), watae ol those imvebs o£ calor lived ests ab a habe as iby ee NOT CG MMC Pc Testopies ce UE ay a ud ne cathy vo 2 on ca Baw tL Pune d tia ot eoposcn Beatle ap at yh pM aten wee ne eee racthods. While, us Roos and as CUE ace sitet bere ba. v Re causes abher than cach. : XS RES tae tbe reported indies oot crac? 4 wen ay Morons Researoh Esiabhsantenns. Uta s Sa otal Ros cw ob agri aad Bales bs? ESM bay bon eeeest ay . ASU day Syotral Moa at “Paalhatd cae moe esac po paki aitietes when uga., cf stocthy in Ww 0614 | die) ost | ode Eo sy uy |e i isa | sd . a! tin FN . Rhvnl cet 2 vase ¢ P95 KD dearhs ATL ' Tea pon: AL 0A cabecsf jcamerns§! deity | dues vane males - | | Tresenc state of Koilua an vel ce eae fH P98S— 52 deaths ; > Be r ep ne ~ oG eld : ober PP anad CANCER FOLLOWING NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS a dea ddd aie Memon bn top ot Tube os tented othe ae . . , podac be. thorn 7 ! . , Tiaew ‘tt totaebeut custo es, decree Ba Ee be tee rer Ob ee dee tae did GF Sha aso td ae faetpartd oo erat th Wwe bat bod Pea ns othe meted. ha ga Mita Gor og cn es er it fda So EHO, how ert cadhatter o deets Soe cee that: oad ta dh Po eesti tne.: vet thats tie: Thetis a ahs fate oa s jor L i yy \ t Eos. witty til uiving, have reported RES acorlasms, ani oy setyccuneny, still Meo dues 3 loukvemas. 7 lvinohomas., and 3 uses of westnaemii vera. Gor all cases of RES meoplungis hie coras Dag ie the mais whereabouts an the 1980s incanie dates of wa. afd Gopariee trom Christmius [slaad. senses sk anid DUE eT. atcamp tip, ot scligdroan nuniber, Shon east Lak Dofin ad Hoses: Commas: Pos. sb Answers te queatr ona ae roots s sidtsnaal reve ob Eng tat Wales teed bse d bee Lo Pxtio clas ger betas Rk Pero Roreoat ta EA 1 tan a wth btm ba bat Jas s APUG MPS Peasal fn 1 same Mate woo eve