
Discussion resumed

on 5 October.

The chair outlined the two

incremental sampling techniques discussed and proposed adoption of 20 cm
sampling increments with a dgscrete 5 cm sample to be taken from each
20 cm increment.

This technique should suffice for characterization and

may also meet some certification requirements.


The proposal was accepted.

The chair requested the group consider depth to which sampling should


Consensus indicated that a depth of 120 cm generally will suffice but

that the option to go deeper should be left to field personnel.

It may be

particularly. desirable to go to greater sampling depths in areas of ground
zeros, in burp or mound areas, and in ejecta areas near egetus crater.

The backhoe may not suffice for some of these depths (greater than 10 feet)
and other equipment may be required.


Discussion reverted to the sampling grid to be used for characterization.

Mr. Church proposed, for consideration, a 10 meter grid for the “hat” areas
(Fig/Quince and Cactus Crater areas), and a wider spaced grid for the "clean"
area in between.

Several members indicated their support for the half

distance technique for initial exploration with grid size to be decided later
based on data obtained from initial efforts.

This leap to extensive discussion

of desire for data versus reasonable expenditure of resources and purpose
and extent of characterization.

The chair maintained that characterization

should be limited to determining the extent of known subterranean pockets
and the extent of surface contamination areas.

The effort should not extend

Select target paragraph3