
The cost in resources and time required was abeossed.

It was

generally agreed that these costs can not be accurately assessed
at this time.

Density of profiling efforts and of the in-situ

survey effort depends, to some extent, on the initial data obtained.
However, the effort does not appear to be excessive.


as proposed for conduct it largely contributes directly to effort
required anyway for certification.

thts only minimal resource

expenditure is devoted exclusively to the characterization effort.
The efforts which may not be directly contributory are the
delimination of the subterranean pockets and the FRST pick up of
“hot spots".


Mr Doles ask what priorty would be given to this characterization


He indicated that without some priority the operation would

be only sporadic and require a long time.

The chair replied that

this operation should receive the same priority as the beginning of
cleanups on Lésor and Boken.

Hopefully assets available would permit

simultaneous work on cleanup and characterization.

Mr. Doles expressed

concern that much time would be wasted unless the characterization effort
bad priority on logistic support, particularly boat transportation support.
The chair stated that priority within reason would be afforded to ensure
as smooth an operation as possible under circumstances axisting on
the atoll.


Select target paragraph3