ese : i . . i ! ° t ‘ Ab ODT aaa +} . OCT 8 1909 . . . * pt pecona cory i: 2! . as Se Lek nd | Commissioner Johnson TA : Poy ae ‘ - Commissioner Larson nect . + GURU: = fee” tO Fil General Manager “S8dStet fer BROOKHAVEN ANROUNCEMEN? OF TRRATHENT OF FIVE HARSHALLESE M4 fox your infoxnation is *a peblic announcement that ‘Prcolosed . |oF five iarshallese have undergene thyroid surgery in this ; country and that three of the patients vere founag to nave malignant thycoid conditions. : Tne annoancemant has been reviewed and eporoved by the Division of Biclogy end Hedaicine 3 anti the C£fice of the Assistant General Manager fox Research | It will be mailed from Brookhaven on and Developwent. ae monday, ] “02. October 13. We do not pian a headquarters release. z {sigrea) Jozn A. Esrris _ fo 4 ° Commissioner Thompson rae 4 ’ Chairman Seaborg Comnissszoner Raney s . . ~e* « i . . . 4 . BEST.COPY AVAILABLE . Jomn A. Harris, Director Division of Public Ti:rfForinalion Enciosure cc: H. C. Brown, RCH i. B. ReCool, sucySoo 2 ES US DOE ARCHIVES R. D. O'Neill, OCR J. R. Totter, Dat . S. G. J. D. English, 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY {RG AGMRD | Threlkeld, PAR COMMISSION - Collection__ SECRETARIAT Box___ orice » PI PI sursauz» [GSracshaw:gp PI _ RGM Form AEC-31E (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0259 . BK COVLELMEMT PE.bTins G2FCE > 53S O— 308 ES? feetsl Eater DSeee cree le Mee ERGM bpGM | te x. wre 12076769ee - a . Folder /YHS 3 ABDIFT CY Ved.2. . j 1 VIGA. . , . a oles GE a ete ie