L qT. INTRODUCTION Research at Brookhaven National Laboratory involving the use of marine craft, associated equipment and personnel necessitates a guide to coordinate and standardize a uniform safety effort during such operations. It is essential that marine operations be performed in the safest manner practicable, Il. in order to minimize hazards to personnel and property. SCOPE This guide covers marine operations in all types and sizes of marine eraft (under direct control of, or charter by, BNL) with respect to preparedness, prevention, control and counteraction of marine incidents in addi- tion to safe guarding of personnel, and equipment. All marine operations shall be consistent with the requirements of this guide and with applicable federal, state and local regulations. CLASSIFICATIONS machinery. B. Motorboat. Vessels 65 feet and under, and equipped with propulsion Motorboats are classed as l. Class A - less 2. Class 1 - 16 feet to less than 26 feet. 3. Class 4. Class 3 | “A. No ITl. Diving operations are covered under Guide 1.12.1. Motor Vessels. 26 than 16 feet. feet to less than 40 feet. 40 feet to 65 feet. Any vessel more than 65 feet which is propelled by machinery. C. flatables Small Craft. and Craft such as, but not limited rafts. Gy 9008b14 Page 3 of 30 to, punts, canoes, in-