

JAN 2c, 1973

Chairman Schlesinger
Commissioner Ramey
Commissioner Larson
Commissioner Doub
Commissioner Ray


This memorandum provides information regarding current activities on
Eniwetok Atoll. These activities concern the surveys essential to the
cleanup, rehabilitation, and resettlement of the atoll in connection

with the announced return of Eniwetok to the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands (TTPI).

In April 1947 the United Nations formally designated the former Japanese
Pacific Mandates (Eniwetok included) as Trust Territories to be administered by the United States. Upon written notification to the U.N.,
Eniwetck was designated a nuclear testing site in December 1947, with
the first test series there, SANDSTONE, being conducted in the spring
of 1948. Prtor to SANDSTONE, the Eniwetok people, about 136 in number,
were moved by the United States to Ujelang Atoll where they still reside,
although their number has now increased to about 432. Additional test

series were conducted in the atoll during the years 1951 (GREENHOUSE),
1952 (IVY), 1954 (CASTLE), 1956 (REDWING), and 1958 (HARDTACK - PHASE I).

The last of 43 tests was in July 1958.

All tests have been listed publicly.

Geographic location of the atoll is shown in Figure 1. Its remoteness
suggests inherent costly operations to accomplish the necessary surveys
and subsequent cleanup. Figure 2 identifies the islands of the atoll
and general location of the nuclear tests conducted.
On April 18, 1972, High Commissioner Johnston and Ambassador Williams
jointly announced the intention of the United States to return Eniwetok

Atoll to the TIPI subject to retention of some minor residual rights.
Subsequently, the Department of Interior (DOI), Department of Defense
(DOD), and AEC determined that a comprehensive and coordinated program
to survey and clean up Eniwetok Atoll must be undertaken to make Eniwetok
habitable. The program was divided into three phases:
(1) Pre-cleanup
Radiological and Engineering Survey, (2) Cleanup, and (3) Rehabilitation

Select target paragraph3