A comparison of the activity in different organs of crabs
was made using the court found in muscle as unity.
relative to muscle for other tissues

respectively were:

The values

in pre and post test crabs

digestive system, 6 and 30; gills, 3 and

22; and exoskeleton 6 and 16.

In 40 comparisons of the shell

and soft parts of pre-test molluscs,

the shells were more

radioactive than the soft parts for 25 percent,and for the other
75 percent the reverse was true.

Post Test
Invertebrates collected after Mike test are listed in
Table & of the Appendix.

Limitation of time made it impracti-

cal to search thoroughly for specimens that would have made
possible a complete comparison of collection stations accord-

ing to species.
the shot

Since the collections were made soon after

(2 to 8 days)

it may be presumed that the-distribu-

tion of radioactive materials was still ina state of flux
in the waters of the lagoon, with consequent variability in

the degree of radioactive contemination even between local
areas at a given station.
The specific activity of individual samples of invertebrates ranged from background at Japtan to 15,000,000 d /m/g

wet (sand from sea cucumber gut) at Engebi.

One exceptional

piece of coral detected from an autoradiograph (Fig.22b) had
@ specific activity of approximately 100,000,000 a/m/e.
Analysis by


Differences in activity between or-

ganisms at various collecting stations depend upon the species





Select target paragraph3