From inspection of Table 2 the following conclusions
are made.

There were measurable amounts of radioactivity in

all the pre-shot samples, especially those from Bogombogo.
For similar areas,

the post shot samples were more radioactive

than the pre-test samples by 200-300 times.

The post shot

samples from Igurin were higher than those at Rigili, Aaraanbiru and Runit,

which were closer to the shot island.


the catch in the fine~meshed net was considerably more radioactive than the catch from a coarser-~meshed net for paired
hauls from the same station, especially in the post shot samples.
Some radioactivity was also found in the plankton preservative.

The activity of the preservative from the Bogallua

collection that was filtered through No. 42 Whatman paper was

10,000 d/m/cc as compared to 11,000 a/m/oc for the unfiltered

The plankton for the same sample was 100 times greater

(1,100,000 a/m/g wet). The activity of the preservative suggests that some radioactive isotopes associated with the plankton are partly soluble

in a 4 percent formalin solution or

that some of the adsorbed particles are washed off the organisms.


The algae collections included five species of blue-green

Qlgae, 14 species of green, 3 species of brown, and 7 species
of red algae.

<A check list of species collected for assay is

gZiven in the Appendix.

Analysis by Area.

Because of the paucity of samples and

hon-randomness of sampling, the best evaluation of the data






Select target paragraph3