test site,

For stations nearest the



distance of sample from test site.

values for the post test samples were several hundred

times greater than for the pre-test samples.

Since the counts

of "Fe(0H)3 scavenge" and "Ca-Sr oxalate" do not equal the
count of "whole sample" evidently all of the radioactive
materials were not removed by these processes.
A rain water sample was collected 33 hours after the

Mike shot in the lagoon off Eniwetok Island.
was evaporated and counted on November 4,

A 450-ce sample

87 hours after Mike,

using a Victoreen survey meter with &@ one-inch end window


window thickness 1.8 mg/om’.

The maximum count was

10,000 per minute.



The plankton nets were + meter in diameter and 2 meters

The anterior section was cylindrical,

section conical with a detachable net end.
were made in pairs,

One net of each

The plankton tows

at the surface and during daylight hours.

pair was constructed with No. 6 silk (74

meshes per inch) and the other of No.


the posterior

12 silk (173 meshes per

Towing time was usually one hour and the distance

towed was about 13 miles.

Catches of plankton were small.

Exclusive of jelly fish the greatest volume of plankton in a
one-hour tow was 28 cc.

This value was obtained by decanting

and measuring the preservative and then subtracting this
amount from the volume of preservative and plankton.
A gross examination of the types of organisms present

- 22 -






Select target paragraph3