it is realized that the actual disintegration rate is not
practically attained.

The actual disintegration rate was

approximated by correcting the gross


sample counts for back-

sample weight, geometry, backscatter,

coincidence and decay.


Since it is desirable to express the

amount of activity per sample in a weight unit comparable to

that of living organism, wet weight was selected in preference
to dried or ashed weight.

Naturally the activity per unit:

of wet weight is lower than per unit of dried or ashed weight.

Significant Figures.

Results have been recorded to two

significant figures although three figures generally were used
in the computations.

The number of significant figures in

the final answer was limited by the number of significant
figures in the least accurate value in the computation.


source of limitation in the post test samples was the correction factor for decay which was changing approximately 4 percent
per day and which was applied no closer than to the day the
sample was counted.

Another limitation occurred in the weight

of the ash used to determine the correction for self-absorption.

Samples were weighed to the nearest milligram and often the
ashed weight was less than 100 milligrams and occasionally
less than 10 milligrams.

Also, the correction factors for

backscatter and for geometry were not determined more accurately than to two significant figures.


Correction Factors

+ ebay


Geometry is about 50 percent for an internal



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