after this period but before the end of December.


this period a 24-hour day, 7-day week counting schedule was
Distribution of Counts.

The statistical distribution

of sample counts appeared to be of a logarithmic or log-logarithmic nature.

To further investigate the type of distri-

bution two series of counts of 100 samples each of unashed

post test Engebl sand were msde.
the oven and mixed.

Sand ina jar was dried in

Sampling cups for the two series held

6.1 + .05 mg (n « 100) and 2990 4 3 mg (n = 32), respectively.

small sample series was counted in the Nucleometer for

10 minutes per sample and the large samples

counter for 1

minute each.

in the end window

The frequency distribution of

the actual counts of the small samples was strongly skewed
(Fig. 2, upper) but was approximately normal for the logarithms of the logarithms of these counts (Fig. 2, middle).
For the large samples




the mode of the observed

values was still to the left of the mean but the distribution
was more nearly normal.

It would appear that the distribu-

tion of counts is strongly skewed to the left when the chance

of occurrence of "speck" contamination (see Section 4.9.1) 1s
small, but as the number of specks
approaches the normal curve.

increases the distribution

For biological samples,


cially those with "surface" contamination, the distribution

of counts could be expected to be similar to those of the
sand samples.

Unit of Measurement.

The unit of measurement for re-

cording radioactivity is disintegrations per minute per gram

(a/m/g) of wet sample (unless otherwise noted) although


Select target paragraph3