Radiation Standards Setting Organizations
and Their Roles
The organization which recommends basic radiation cri-

teria and standards at the international level is the

International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
It was established in 1928 under the auspices of the Second
International Congress of Radiology.
During the early
period and until 1950, the ICRP was concerned primarily with
recommendations designed to provide protection to members

of the medical profession in their diagnostic and thera- |

peutic use of X-rays and gamma radiation from radium.
However, since the advent of atomic energy, and radiation

uses on a large scale, it has extended its efforts to include
studies of radiation protection matters covering the whole

gamut of radiation applications.
It works together with its
Sister commission, the International Commission on Radiation
Units Measurements (ICRU), and relies on the ICRU for back-_
ground knowledge on radiation measurements.

The National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP) was organized in 1929, a year after the

ICRP, as a combined effort of several radiation protection
committees in the United States to consolidate their
scattered efforts and to present a unified voice at meetings

of the ICRP.1

The ICRP and NCRP are private groups whose

recommendationsare purely advisory.

In 1934 the NCRP adopted the simple level of 0.1

roentgen per day, measured in air as the tolerance dose.


-1940, it recommer.ded a permissible body burden of 0.1 micro-

gram for ingested radium.
The latter standard, still in
effect today, corresponds to an average dose to the skeleton
of about 30 rem/yr or a dose to the critical endosteal tissue

out to a distance of 5-10 microns of about 10 rem/yr.


Initially the NCRP was known as the Advisory Committee

on X-rays and Radium Protection; in 1946 the name was chancod
to the National Committee on Radiation Protection and Mencurements, and in 1964 it received a Tederal charter and toon

its present name.

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