- 50 the value selected by Kathren be used when the RF is unknown

to Getermine the ambient ground contamination standard.
Applying an RF=10-4 m7! to the ambient MPCa standard
recommended in the previous section, we obtain a maximum per-

missible surface contamination (MPCS) level for hot particles
of 9x1078 nci/m2. °°

This is roughly 1 hot particle/m@.

tn areas where an RF greater or less than 1074 m1 could

be shown to apply, the MPSC could be altered appropriately.

As Low as Practicable Hearinas

It is to-be uncerstood that the above recommendations

do not represent endorsementon Our part of the risk
inherent in the existing radiation protection guidelines
upon which these recommendations are based.

Rather, we offer

the admonition that the exposures should be kept as far
below these guidelines as is practicable.

‘Therefore, we

further recommend that these guidelines be incorporated

into the existing regulations without delay and that the
‘appropriate agency or agencies convene hearings to determine

for the regulations what constitutes as low as practicable
Jimits for exposure to hot particles.


This value is derived as


The recommended MPCs,

for not particles is 9x10718 uci/ml which ccrresronds to
9x10-12 uci/m3.
The manimum ground contamination level, using

RF=1074 r7+, is 9xlo-l2/io-i = Gx1078 uCi/’n2.

Select target paragraph3