- 42 ‘Man was performed by the NAS-MRC Advisory Committee on the
Biological Effects of Radiation.

Their report, published in

1972, is referred to as the BEIR Report. 3

Occupational Exvosure


The existing occupational exposure standard for uniform
whole body irradiation is 5 rem/yr and for the lung,

15 rem/yr.

the BEIR Report estimates that exposure of the whole body
of an individual to 5 rem/yr would lead to a cancer risk
between 4.5x10°° and 2.3x1073/yr.
10 °/yr. >

Their best estimate is

Their estimate of the risk of cancer to the

individual from a lung exposure of the 15 rem/yr is 3x107>/yr. 7°
Allowing a risk of cancer induction between 1/1000 and
1/10, 000 per particle, Table V presents the maximim permissible
lung particle burdens


that result in risks comparable

to these uniform radiation standards for occupational exposure.

. The MPLPB3 values in Table V represent a very substantial
‘reduct'on in the MPLB.

A hot particle of Pu-239 at the lower

limit activity contains only 0.07 pCi while the MPLB for
“occupational exposure



1.6x10 4

Washington, D. C.





NAS-NRC, "The Effects on Populations of Exposure to

Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation,"




Ibid, p. 91.

Ibid, p. 91.

76/ Ibid, p. 156.

, Nov. 1972.

(BEIR Report), NAS-NEC,

Select target paragraph3