
Manhattan Project Workers

Another study of human respiratory exposure to plutonium

relates to 25 young men exposed to plutonium during the
Manhattan Project. °°

The latest examination of this group

' found them to be free of lung cancer although the report

"The bronchial cells of several subjects showed

moderate to marked metaplastic changes, but the significance

of these changes is not clear."

Such metaplastic changes are

a possible indicator for detecting incipient or actual lung

In one case the report indicates that the subject

“was a heavy smoker (3 packs/day) and undoubtedly this contributed to the changes.

Nevertheless, these findings

suggest that lung cancer may become manifest in some of
these subjects in the future.

Indeed, one would not be

surprised to find one lung cancer even in such a group of

non-exposed subjects.

During the latest examination of these

workers, in vivo measurement of the plutonium lung burdens
were conducted with these results:
An average MDA for a 2000-sec counting time is
about 7 nCi if one uses the 95% confidence level.&?
For the 68% confidence level and a Similar counting

time, the comparabie value is about 3.5 nCi.


Hemplemann, L.H., et al, “Manhattan Project Plutonium


MDA refers

Workers; A Twenty-Seven Year Tollow-Up Study of Selected Cases.
to the minimum detectable


Select target paragraph3