- 34 -

As seen from Table IV, using Geesaman's lung model, a
particle with an alpha activity between 0.02 pCi and 0.14


is required to give a dose of 1000 rem/yr to irradiated lung

For purposes of establishing a maximum permissible


lung particle burden we will use 0.07 pCi from long halflived (greater than one year) isotopes as the limiting
alpha activity to qualify as a hot particle.

Thus, throughout

the remainder of this report, hot particle will imply a particle
with at least this limiting alpha activity which is insoluble
in lung tissue.
A, .


Exposures at Rocky Flats

The AEC has a plutonium facility associated with its
nuclear weapons program at Rocky Flats, Colorado.


facility is operated under contract to the AEC by the Dow
Chemical Company.

The employees, the environment and undoubtedly

the surrounding population have been contaminated with plutonium
particles as a result of the operation of this plant.


It is, therefore, pertinent here to examine the information


Mann, J.R. and A.R. Kirchnev, Op. cit.


Poet, S.E. and E.A. Martell, "Plutonium-239 and

Americium-241 in the Denver Area," Health Physics, Vol. 23,

1972, po. 537-549,


Richmond, Chet, Transcript of Plutonium Information

Meeting cf the Advisory Committce on Reactor Safeguards,
Los Alamos, N. Mex., 5 January 1974, pp. 319-320.

Select target paragraph3