Sharp, R. and W, H. Chapman.

Exposure of Marshall Islanders and

American Military Personnel to Fallout, NMRI, Operation Castle

Project 4.1 addendum, WI 938, AD 465-293 (1957)


Lapp, R. E. The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon, Harpers Magazine,
December 1957, January 1958, February 1958.
Miller, C. F. and H. Lee.

Operation Ceniza-Arena:

The Retention of

Fallout Particles from Volcano Irazu (Costa Rica) by Plants and
People, Part I, SRI MU-4890, AD 637313

January 1966.

Miller, C. F. Operation Ceniza-Arena;: The Retention of Fallout
Particles from Volcano Irazu (Costa Rica) by Plants and People,
Part II, Appendices, SRI MU-4890, AD 659384 December 1966.


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