Data from weapons tests show that radiation-intensity levels of
local fallout decrease as the height of burst increases. An estimate
of the magnitude of this decrease is of interest to DCPA since detonations
in a nuclear attack may occur on contact with urban structures or
even in trees, Such heights of burst will, however, be small when

scaled from megaton-yield weapons.
Taking a one-megaton burst as an
example, the scaled height of burst ranges from \ = 12 (£t/kel/3yx* for

a tall tree or a ten-story building to \ = 50 for a 40-story building.
It is well known that the amount of local fallout is very low,

almost insignificant, when the height of burst is greater than about
a fireball radius, i.e., A = 180°, (except when the burst takes place

on a tower.“9"). In such detonations, the soil or dust swept up by
rising fireball either does not reach the fireball or enters it only
after most of the radionuclides have condensed. In this case the
small amount of local fallout depends primarily on the mass of the
warhead assembly. The bulk of the radionuclides is carried by very
small particles which do not fall to the ground fast enough to
contribute to local fallout.

For detonations at small heights of burst, the coupling of



energy to and the interaction of the fireball with the ground apparently

decreases rapidly as the height increases, as manifested in the rapid
decrease in crater volume.
The particle-size distribution is also
shifted to smaller sizes.

In the absence of a theoretical foundation for describing these
effects quantitatively, one must take recourse in observation. Table 1
(Chapter 1) lists some K-factors (K)) derived from intensity-area
integrals by a number of investigators, with data from bursts beyond
the altitude range of immediate concern included for perspective. The
averages have been plotted in Figures 1 and 2, along with the spread

in various investigators' interpretations.
The mode of support of
each burst is indicated as a basis for interpretation. Most of these

bursts were over dry desert soil at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and
in the low kiloton range. Thus these data are intercomparable.
Also. shown are K-factors from a number of megaton bursts; although

these fallout patterns are much less well known due to the difficulties
of obtaining and interpreting data over water, it is comforting to see
that their resultant K-factors arep consistent with those from NTS

In Figure 2, which extends the field of view to greater heights
of burst, the horizontal part of line B represents the mean K-factor
*See first footnote on Table 1.


Select target paragraph3