Yonthly Status Report, June 1952
Collaboration with FCDA
were held by representatives

Biology and uedicine


- During the month, several. nestings
with FCDA personnel. The Civil
the Dt

Defense Liaison Branch is undertaking to accumilate and transmit to FCDA all
information from research activities of the Commission which bear on civil
defense problems. Also made available recently to FCDA are the National
Bureau of Standards’ reports and papers of research on shielding against
ionising radiation and the first volume of the "Report of the Joint Comnise
gion for the Investigation of tha Sffects of the Atomic Bomb in Japane*®

On June 29, a further meeting was held with FCDA personnel to discuss

specific AEC assistance to FCDA in its test programe It was decided that
FCDA would resubmit for formal Commission action a revised proposal for test-

ing backyardetype shelters.

Cooperation with Disaster panning Coordinator = Dudget estinates received
from the
AEC shelter program have

been reviewed. Also reviewed wore a draft of a statement dated June 26, 1951,

entitled "Selection of Shelter Design" and plans Dllustrating four basic types
of shelters presently under conaideratione These shelters have been accepted

by the Civil Defense Idaison Branch on a tentative basis for purposes of estinate.

In order to assure the maximm return on the shelter investment, 1¢ would be

advisable to consider the following factors:






Saivage Valus

Attack Considerations

loan of Instruments and Radioactive inokopes ~ During the month, arrange-

ments were






for civil defense

training purposes to the Utah State Civil Defense Agency, and for loan of radiae
tion sources for the same purpose to the Texas State Department of Health and
the District of Columbia and Uaine Civil Defense agenciess

Radiation Instruments Branch

A meeting was held on June 15, 1951, betwen representatives of Radio
Corporation of America, Carbide and Carbon Chemicals, Division of Union Carbide,

and the AEC to discuss the continuation of the research contract with BCA for
the development of special tubese Progress is being made in the development of
a large photocathode surface photomultiplier tube and special tubes for use
in pulse height analyzers.
Field Coordination ~ The instrumentation facilities at the Oak Ridge

National Laboratory and X25 were reviewed. X=25 is presently modifying their

"Sampson" instrument to provide for a remote beta-gamaa probe. This instrument
will have betaegama sensitivities approaching those of the ordinary beta=»gemna




Select target paragraph3