W. J. Bair/R. O. Gilbert

July 9, 1979
Page 3

If they are using the TGLM lung model, it might be nice to present lung dose
results elsewhere than Appendix B. This would make it easier to see how
ingestion and external pathways dominate the doses.
The data in the last set of tables in Appendix D need <9 be more clearly labeled.
Units and definition of the percent variation (by island?) would make life easier.
The year during which the maximum annual dose occurs is useful. I do not always
get the total body and bone to peak in the same year. (They don't either, but
it is not obvious from the dose tables.) It would be easy to put this on the
tables and I think the reader needs it.
I have not tried to duplicate all the possible diet/residence scenarios they
presented. I have only tried in the limited time available to audit the dose
methods and assumptions. As a rule, they look o.k.
T have included a table of accumulated doses to illustrate how my calculations
compare with Livermore's. This is one of the spot-checks I have made. The

°°Sr bone doses include the 0.32 correction and the !37Cs total body doses
include the 0.85 correction.


I will be out of town the week of July 9-13, but will be available for questions
after the 15th.

BAN: cs


I have been unable to contact Bill Phillips.

and his seem to be on different wires (?).

My phone

Select target paragraph3