The acutely-exposed study population received both external and internal
radiation, as previously reported. The dosimetry is discussed in detail in
previous reports (1,2,3-14). The external gamma calculations seem fairly
reliable and uniform for the population. The initial, individual internal
body burdens of nuclides, especially a number of short-lived iodine isotopes,
show much greater variation and uncertainty, even though radiochemical urin-

alyses were performed within 15 days on the pooled urines of the exposed popu-


On the 7th, 23rd, 24th, and 47th days post detonation, 24-hour urine

collections from each individual from Rongelap and Ailinginae were sent to the
The quantification of the
New York Operations Office (AEC) for analysis.
shorter-lived isotopes of iodine, particularly 133-134- and 1357, would be
Two of the younger (1 yr old at the time of exposure)
impossible to measure.

Rongelap children (Studies No. 3 and 5) were noted to be clinically myxedematous
at age 9. Subsequent evaluations have revealed almost total ablation of their
This would suggest a thyroidal dose of
thyroids (Case 3 greater than Case 5).
Therefore, the dose to the thyroid in this
at least 2000 rem, possibly more.

small study group probably has a much wider standard error than was previously
appreciated. The potential magnitude of this standard error imposes severe
constraints on the statistical analysis of those data dependent on organspecific dosimetry.

The enclosed tables present a synopsis of the significant data obtained

during calendar year 1979.

During this period 14 patients underwent thyroid

The spectrum of the surgical pathologic opinions is presented in

Table LII. This is a greater divergence in the determination of carcinoma

vs. benign tumors than presented in previous years.
Because of this divergence, we are in the process of impaneling a formal Thyroid Pathology Review
Group, representing a cross section of opinions from some of the country's

best surgical pathologists.

For each case a majority and a minority report (as indicated) will be

developed and suitable statistics will be developed for each position.
the subgroups of the study population are so small, the assignment of a single
case to the cancer or benign category will have a profound impact on the
incidence, and/or period prevalence, risk/rad ratio, etc.

Select target paragraph3