Omnerefion Order

CTG 7,3 No. 5=54


Inform CTG 7.3 and CUTF SEVEN of any significant developments which

occur incidmt to the presence of the special device barge in the LSD well by

message or letter as appropriate.

(6) Inform CTG 7.3 by “operational immediate" messages when the Task
Unit departs fron and arrives at ENIWETOK Atoll,

(7) Maneuver formation to change sea motion of BELLE GROVE. Use speeds

from ten to fourteen knots and courses from 030°T to 150°T, Advance toward
BIKINI for three hours and then return to ENIVETOK, Reduce speeds prescribed
as necessary for safety.

Take special precautions and measures to reduce the possibility


Conduct inspection to insure maximum practicable degree of darken

of collision between TE and any other vessel,

ship consistent with continued operation of equipment within barge and safety

of personnel aboard barge and in the well.
horizontally from BELLE GROVE,

No bare lights shall be visible

Tasks of Comminder Task Element 7,.3,9.0.

CTE shall:


Assume responsibility for the security of classified RD material


Employ the U. S. Army Military Police Detachment ordered to


Load and off~load the special material safely and expeditiously in

mae i eee


to Commanding Officer, BELLE GROVE to safeguard the security of
and associated RD equipment,
accordance with schedule given in Annex A of this OpOyder,

on board.

.'zsume custody of the classificd RD materials as they are placed

iccountability of all AEC accountablematerials will romin with a

representative of the Sante Fe Cr7orations Office, AEC (TG 7.5) who will be on
board as a passengor,

(5) Moke emergency disposal of any or all component material and
equipment, regardless of classification or sensitivity, under emergency con-

ditions where the health and safety of ships and personnel are conccmed or
where the national interest must be protected by such disposal,


Inform CTU 7.3.9 of any such disposal made or contemplated,


Inform CTU 7,

cident to transporte*ion o

significant developments which arise in~-

and its associated equipmmt.



Select target paragraph3