13. The Divisions of Biology and Medicine, Information
Services and Finance, and the Offices of the General Counsel
and Special Projects concur in the recommendation of this paper.

14. It is concluded that:
a. A test program of the order of magnitude of e7

shots, as described in paragraph 11,
is essential for carrying out the

and. Appendix "BY,
menses doi” the AEC

in the weapons program and permitting adequate
exploration of new ideas to insure continued rapid
and orderly future development.

b. A test operation of this magnitude can be carried

out within a reasonable length of time, comparable to
the length of REDWING,

ec. The fission yield which will be produced by the

firing of the proposed shots is consistent with the
objectives of the HARDTACK test program.
d. The use of Taongi Atoll would be of great
advantage for the increased safety it affords to
both Marshall Island inhabitants and test partici-

pants, and for minimizing the length of test operations in the Pacific.

e. The advantages to be gained by using Taongi Atoll
as a firing site justify the additional costs and

increased logistical support which will be required.
Because of the added military support required, the
desirability and feasibility of approving this additional site should be coordinated with the Department of Defense prior to final Commission action.

f, There will be international and public information
problems associated with the use of Taongi Atoll as a

firing site.
These problems will require careful
coordination with the Departments of State and Interior
and with the Operations Coordinating Board.


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