a 92,000 foot balloon firing of a 2 KT device; and 2 underwater

“shots of 8-10 KE devices (similar to depth charges) in target
4. A HARDTACK program of 31 shots would compare to the

17 shots of REDWING, ‘The total HARDTACK yield ofabout 80.
“megatons would beexpected to produce 16 megatons of fission
yield, as compared with 20.6 megatons of total and 8.5 megatons.

of fission yield produced in REDWING, and 47.8 megatons of total
and 31.4 megatons of fission yield in CASTLE,

The world-wide

fallout produced by HARDTACK probably will exceed that produced

5, Taongi is an uninhabited atoll 285 miles northeast of

Bikini and 324 miles south-southeast of Wake.

It is ideally

located from the standpoint of distance and direction in relation
to populated lands of the Marshall Islands and the southern
boundary of the danger area, so as

to be a safer place to fire

high yield shots than either Bikini or Eniwetok.

The firing

of large shots will be appreciably easier at Taongil: it is
estimated on the basis of a study by the JTF SEVEN Meteorological

Center that the ratio of safe firing situations at Taongi as
compared to Bikini might be as high as 3 to l.

6. Taongi could be used only as a barge site.

All diag-

nostics and firing could be accomplished from a specially

outfitted and instrumented ship.

Devices would be prepared and

loaded on barges in the assembly area at Bikini, ferried by LSD
to Taongi, anchored in the lagoon and fired.

With no instrumen-

tation stations or other facilities ashore, there would be no
need for evacuation, re-entry and recovery operations as is now


Select target paragraph3