




23, The cost to

the AEC of conducting the HARDTACK program

has been estimated by extrapolating REDWING costs,

taking into

account the decrease in the unit cost per shot as the number
shots increases.

These estimates are made without complete

knowledge of the extent or cost of AEC participation in the UHA
-and VHA Prime shots.

In order to support a 3l-shot program

using only Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls, the cost to the AEC in
terms of test construction and site operation would be about S48


About $40 million of the total would accrue in FY 1958

and exceed by about $5.3 million the cost budgeted for overseas

testing in the FY 1958 budget.

For the 27-shot program the

total cost would be about $46.6 million and that for FY 19538

about $36.6 million or about $3.9 million in excess of the BY
1958 budget.

24, Tf Taongi is developed as a test site, these costs
would increase.

The total cost of developing Taongi, including

the outfitting and operation of a diagnostic and firing shin,
is estimated at $6.1 million.

Although savings

in reduced damage

to structures and equipment at Bikini and in reduced time in the

atoll are expected to approximate $3.7 million, some of these


savings probably would not be realized until FY 1959 and FY 1960,
Therefore, for the 27-snot programs and if Taongi is used, about

‘44.7 million in costs would acerue in FY 1958, or about $10.0
million over the cost level budgeted for that fiscal year.

Appendix "a"


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Select target paragraph3