Preliminary Report on Radionuclide Levels in Samples from Eneu Island
and the Eneu Test Plot, Bikini Atoll
May 1, 1978
The abstracted programs and preliminary results described below were

initiated and are continuing with support from the Division of Biomedical
and Environmental Research, Department of Energy.

The Eneu test plot was established in August-September of 1977.


subsistence crops planted at this time were:

Pandanus, breadfruit, papaya,

banana, sweet potato, squash and watermelon.

In addition to these

subsistence crops, coconuts are now plentiful on the trees planted on

Eneu in 1972.
In August and November of 1977, coconuts were collected for analysis
from a number of trees along with associated soi] samples.

The preliminary

results for !37Cs concentrations in these samples are attached.

Data for

90Sp, 239+240py and 241Am concentrations will not be available before
mid-summer 1978.
In November of 1977, the squash and watermelon planted during August
in the test garden were available for sampling.

The collections have been

processed and are presently being analyzed for specific radionuclides.

137Cs concentration data should be available for these samples this summer
and the 29Sr, 2394240Am concentration data will hopefully be available

this fall.


The breadfruit and Pandanus fruit were planted as root stock and will
not produce- fruit for several years.

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When the test garden was started in

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