of a Medical Referral Board that now screens and approves
all referrals. But the point of major, eurrent importance
is that the Marshall Islands Government has funds for outside
referral costs. If emergency situations result and the fund
ie exhausted, additional finds could be made available to
this aceount by reprogramming or by special appropriations
of the Marshall Islands Legislature, the Nitijela.
The Majfuro Hospital now ig run by a medical care contractor.
Part of the contract calls for up-grading of medical staff
at the Majuro Hospital, and specialized staff is being made
available. Conditions are improving at the Majuro Hospital.
Obviously, a Rongelapese who requires emergency open-heart

surgery would have to be referred to Honolulu, but this also

would be the case for any Marshallese individual in a similer

condition regardless of residence.

The Bikini situation you cite is unique in thet the agreement

to provide special medical care was connected with the
emergency evacuation of the group of 144 Bikinians from
Bikini Island in August of 1978, These individuals believed
that they had received contamination by living on Bikint
Island, and the agreement was made under these very special
circumstances. It did not provide for special medical
coverage for Bikinians who were living on Kili Island or
elsewhere in the Marshall Islands.

Until a special comprehensive health care program is in
effect pursuant to P.L. 96-205, non-radiation related medical
cases that require treatment should be referred to the
appropriate medical authorities in Majuro. The Medical
Review Board there has the authority to refer cases thet
cannot be treated locally to Honolulu.

Sincerely yours,


Billy Lee Hart

Acting Deputy Assistant

Secretary - Operations
Territorial and International Affairs

Select target paragraph3