40278 1 e- 5.7 SUMMARY OF AEC TASK GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS This summary was prepared by the AEC staff for presentation to the Commissioners and is presented verbatum except for insertion of Marshallese place names. A more detailed report is contained in Tab B, Vol. I. INTRODUCTION The Atomic Energy Commission agreed to provide radiological criteria for cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll to the Department of Defense (DOD) and to the Department of the Interior (DOI). A compre- hensive survey of the radiological environment of Enewetak was made to serve as a basis for judgement and recommendations. The survey data show that the northern islands have the greater amount of radioactive contamination and there are plutonium problems. The Director, Division of Operational Safety, appointed a Task Group and throughit staff liaison representatives of DNA, DOI and EPA were kept informed of progress toward completion of recommendations. Current radiation protection guidance containing numerical standards and radiation protection philosophy of national and international standards bodies was used to develop recommended criteria: . e Population dose to the Enewetak people should be as low as practicable. e The Federal Radiation Council (FRC) Radiation Protection Guides (RPG) for individual and gonadal exposures will be used to evaluate exposure options. The values should be reduced by 50 percent for individual exposure and 20 percent for gonadal exposure to allow for uncertainties in dose predictions. The guides for cleanup planning become: Exposure Whole body and bone marrow 0.25 Rem/yr Thyroid 0.75 Rem/yr Bone 0.75 Rem/yr Gonads 4 Rem in 30 yr 5-60