Because of the difference in the amount and kind of food eaten,
the dose to some individuals in the population may be two
times that shown above.
Calculated 30-Year Dose


(Average Whole Body)

People live 100% of the time on Eneu Island.


With. Food Imports

Without Food Imports

2,700 mRem

4,700 mRem

People live 80% of the time on Eneu Island and visit Bikini
Island 20% of the time, but assumes no food from Bikini

Island is eaten.

With Food Imports

3,700 mRem

Without Food Imports


5,700 mRem

People who recently lived on Bikini Island have already
received a dose of about 1,000 mRem.
Should they return
to live on Eneu Island the 30-year dose estimate would have

to include all(or partiof this dose if return occur

within the next 30 years.

From the average doses for Eneu residence shown above (maximum
annual and 30-year), doses for increased utilization of Bikini
Island can be determined by applying the finding that Bikini
doses equal eight times Eneu doses.
Also, the impact on these
estimates of delaying the return to Eneu and Bikini can be
determined using the finding that the radioactivity of the two
radionuclides, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90, that contribute most
to whole body and bone marrow doses, are decaying with an effective

half-time in the environment of 30 years.

Enclosures 2 and 3 present estimates of the maximum annual whole

body and bone marrow doses for the highest individuals if,
starting with 1979 as the zero time, the return to live on Eneu
Island is delayed (four cases), and if return to Bikini Island

is delayed (one case).

Enclosure 4 shows the same kind of in-

formation for 30-year doses.

The calculated maximum annual whole body and bone marrow doses
for the Eneu Island population can be compared with the 170 mRem/Yr.
If a monitoring program is in place, and it is assumed

this will be the case, doses to individuals that are two times

Select target paragraph3