4, The ODM was advised by letter dated September 24, 1954,
(AEC 540/22) that the DOD was considering for planning purposes,
the effects of a 60 MT weapon,

By letter dated April 15, 1955,

(AEC 540/39) ODM requested that consideration be given to the
release of the 60-megaton yield as the basis for vulnerability
planning, or, alternatively, such other yield as the Commission
may indicate,

The ODM desires such information for planning

adispersicn of industry,

Since there is a considerable lack of

specific information as to the maximum weapon yield which is
vrithin the capabilities of the USSR to deliver,

it appears

appropriate for the Government agencies concerned with this
matter to fori an interdepartmental committee which can determine
a reasonable yield which will be used for dispersal planning.

5. Ina letter to the Commission dated February 10, 1955,

(AEC 540/37), FCDA set forth a requirement to furnish to State
anc local civil defense planners official data which would at
least give the order of magnitude of the fallout effect of
large-yleld weapons.

A public release covering this subject

was made February 15,


In addition the following statement

which is indicative of the requirements of FCDA was made:

"Phare is one point of some importance which deserves

attention in this connection,
Under the Federal Civil
Defense Act of 1950, the primary responsibility for
civil defense
rests with the States and their political
The civil defense program, unlike our
military defense program, must be built upon the
willingness of State Governors, legislatures, Mayors,
and local legislative bodies to support it.
If we
in the Federal Government are to provide effective
leadership, we must present convincing facts to the
leaders in the States and cities; we cannot compel their


6, If the revised handbook is to serve fully the needs
of civil defense,

it would appear appropriate to include effects

4nformation for yields within current capabilities, and for
adquate planning such information should be provided for probable






future capabilities,

Select target paragraph3