
By letter dated September 24, 1954 (amc 540/22), the

Office of Defense Mobilization was advised that the Commission
understood that the Department of Defense was considering for
planning purposes,


the effects of a 60 MT weapon,

By letter dated April 15, 1955 (AEC 540/39), the ODM

requested the Commission to consider release of the 60-megaton
yield as the basis for vulnerability planning, or, alternatively,
such other yield as the Commission may indicate,


By letter dated February 10, 1955 (AEC 540/37), the

HCDA indicated the need for effects information for civil defense
planning, particularly with respect to the fallout from largeyield weapons,

and noted that civil defense support by State and

local bodies requires convincing facts regarding effects of
atomic weapons,

Based on the above reauirements the staff has

recommended that the effects handbook be revised to inelude a
broad range of effects information on yields from 1 to 100 MT
without revealing stockpile values,

To determine the optimum yield of an enemy weapon that

can be used as a dispersal planning figure by ODM, the staff has
recommended formation of a technical group with DOD, ODM,
and CIA membership,


The general information requested by ODM

will be made available at the earliest practicable date from
declassified information that will eventually be included in the

revised handbook "The Effects of Atomic Weapons".

The Divisions of Biology and Medicine,

Classification, .

and Intelligence, and the General Counsel concur in the action
recommended in this paper,

Select target paragraph3