admiral Paul F. Foster
The meeting was reconvened at 3:30 p.m. with the introduction of
Admiral Paul F. Foster and some of his staff to present a review
of the recent developments in the Atoms for Peace
ADMIRAL FOSTER described the recent expansion in the Office of International Affairs
which has been made into a Division.
There are now


thirty-two agreements of cooperation with other
friendly countries in the field of atomic research

and seven agreements in the field of nuclear power.
In addition, there are eight research agreements and

four power agreements under discussion or negotiation. The President
made a recent offer (Penn. State U. Speech - June, 1955) to contribute
one half of the cost of research reactors (up to $350,000) under this
program and so far, the United States has made commitments with four
countries; Brazil, Spain, The Netherlands, and Denmark.
ADMIRAL FOSTER also described several recent missions of the DIA to
foreign countries and some of its future plans.

Dr. Milton Eisenhower recently announced a program of assistance to

the University of Puerto Rico. A grant of $350,000 is to be made to
provide a very small training research reactor together with some

laboratory equipment for the School of Medicine, the Agricultural

Medical Station, and the School of Science.

It is hoped that Con-

gress will authorize an expansion of this program to provide several

million dollars to establish a regional research and training center

at Puerto Ricé where it will be readily available to Central and
South American Countries.

A 20,000 kilowatt nuclear power plant is

also planned for the university area subject to Congressional
approval .

Plans are also being made for accelerating and facilitating the
distribution of radioisotopes to foreign countries and a symposium
is planned for Central and South American scientific leaders to be

held at BNL next Spring.

John P. Trevithick

Admiral Foster introduced MR. JOHN P. TREVITHICK who discussed the
bilateral agreement program. A recent change in scope relates to
& provision by which research agreements may involve
the transfer by the AEC of limited amounts of spec-



ial nuclear material material, highly enriched U-233,

U-235, and Plutonium.

During the last year nuclear

power agreements have been made with Australia,
Switzerland, The Netherlands, and to a certain extent


The French agreement is a compromige between

a research and @ power agreements and limits the

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