Mr. Merril Eleercbud
MR. EXSENEUD de.cribed many of the details of the operation which



are classifies out indicated that the resulus of some of the measuresents will ex lain 3 number of anomolies noticed in
he Fallout distribution.
He also indicated that

‘he program has been highly successful due mostly to


ibe top staff of TYF.7 who were very devoted and gave


corplete support to the program.

Thee appeared to

understand the purpose of the fallout studies which
nad not been the experience with previous military

De, Willis &. Boss
Marine aspects of project. Ked Wing were discussed by DK. BOSS.
part of the program consisted of five marine surveys before, during
and after the tests.



The first was a resurvey of RKongelap and also
Bikini and Eniwetok.
Samples were taken of water
Plankton and fish and also land flora and fauna.


This survey was the first open-sea survey within
the restricted area which took place after the

fifth shot.

(Between Jure 11 and June 21, 1956.)

This survey was conducted by the George Vanderbilt Foundation

of Stanford University consisting of collections made at Saipan,
Leyte, Yap, Guam, and the Palaus in May, June, and August.
Cthers are
planned for the future until February 1957.
Water is collected and

the activity of plankton is measured.


This is tne second open-sea survey which has just teen completed.

This survey proceded westward going in a zig-74g direction as

far as Guim and returned to Eniwetok in the same zig-zag fashion.

There is one disturbing factor in that the activity has gone so
far southward near the equitorial couwter current and there is

no survey in that area to find out where it is.

If it goes

East it will reach one of the great tuna fishing grounds for
the Japaneses.

At this point MS. EISENBUD described the plans for collecting water
samples with the cooperation of the Navy.
Foot lockers containers
containing polyethylene bottles and kits for obtaining samples have
been placed on every ship.
If samples are required, the ships can
be radioed and they could collect samples while underway at fifty~

mile intervals.

It will take these samples some time to be read,

Select target paragraph3