
DR. GLASS remarked that even among those who had
taken the college level isotope training, some of

the students appeared to have insufficient intellectual
curiousity about radiobiclogy and indicated that some
early training mignt arouse interest.
He suggested
that the program might better be reorganized on two

different levels.

The first Summer's work devoted to the funda-

mentals including the use of the kit of laboratory equipment and

in high school level experiments and a second Summer devoted to

the principais of radiobiology.

DR. GLASS expressed the opinion

that the program be supplemented to increase the opportunities of
introducing new students into the program. Serious consideration

should be given to the awarding of scholarships purely on the basis
of students ability as in the scholarships and the fellowships
offered by the National Sciences Foundation and the National

Institute of Health. It is often difficult, however, to evaluate
the interest or ability of high school students or even college

undergraduates since they have received Little guidance in this


Shields Warren

DR. WARREN pointed out that in the consideration of any scholar-

ehip program, the problem of security clearance always arises.
There is still in existance a rider on the
appropriations bill which requires security clear-


ance for those participating in the AEC fellowship

A lengthy discussion followed as to the
problem of restrictions imposed by the security
rider on the appropriations bill and whether or not

an outright grant given to an institution which in

turn was used in part to provide scholarships was
subject to the security rider.
The relationship
between such allotments and salaries given to research students
participating in AEC contracts was discussed.
There is also the
problem of supplying funds which are mixed with other funds some
of which are provided by other organizations to provide fellowships.

It appeared clear that in a literal interpretation, the fellowship
rider would not be applicable, but on the other hand, it was

pointed out by MR. BROWN that it would not be wise to ignore the
intent of the Legislature on the matter.

DR. SHILLING in response to a question by DR. DUNHAM indicated that

he did not expect to receive specific recommendations from the

Committee at this time but interpreted their comments as indicating

general approval of the program.

It was suggested, therefore, that

a motion be worded to express the opinion of the Committee on the
education program, particularly with respect to any restriction in

Select target paragraph3