
isotopes laboretory be made available to the Naples

Zoological Station. In connection with the visit to
Spain, it was found that some excellent laboratories

exist there and they have sent four young scientists
to the U. S. A. for training.

Dr. Sterling E. Emerson

The First International Congress on Human Genetics held in Copenhagen
was attended by one-hundred registrants mostly from Western Europe.
DR. EMERSON was not too favorably impressed with the

quality of the work, although a great deal of it



was reported upon.
The prospects of doing good human
genetics work are not too favorable.
After the

meeting Dr. Emerson went to the Fifth International
Congress on Radicbiology. This meeting was also
found somewhat disappointing in that much of the

material appeared to be obsolete.

While in Europe he attended a study group of the WHO on the effects
of radiation upon human genetics.
The reason for this meeting was
to supplement the report of the scientific committee of the United
Nations which did not include any geneticists.

A report of some of the details of the three meetings was made with
some discussion by members of the ACEM.

DR. BUGHER reported that he had understood that Dr. Gopal-Ayengar
of India had reported a 30 roentgen gonadal dose in a thirty-year
period because of the monazite sands present.
In response,
DR. EMERSON said that upon questioning, Dr. Gopal-Ayengar was
somewhat more modest and quoted a figure of 10 to 20 roentgens in

thirty years.
sea level.)

(This is about ten times the normal background at

This report initiated a general discussion of the levels

of cosmic radiation at various locations and altitudes.

Mr. Richard W. Johnson
MR. JOHNSON reported on the Fourth Instruments and Measurements
Conference being held in Stockholm.
Since the meeting was being

conducted at the same time as the ACBM meeting and

was represented for the AEC by Mr. Butenhoff; a


complete report could not be given.

Mr. Johnson

gave background material and told about the AEC

exhibit which consists primarily of a mockup exhibit
of ver’ **-s*ion Of



neutrinos at the Savannah River

Select target paragraph3