a. Dr. Morton, ABCC, hes been instructed to

repdoré to the Ambassador to offer his technical
services and the assistance of the ABCC,

b. Col. Arthur Meeks, USAF, has also been
instructed to report to the Ambassador and offer
technical assistance,
c. Other countries should not have access to
the ship. (To facilitate this the U. S. would offer to

decontaminate the vessel.),

d. A warning to ships has been issued. Specific
information on this matter will be supplied to the
Ambassador a6 soon a6 possible,

The Commission also requested Colonel Huston to obtain (1) precise

information regarding the decision as to what constitutes the danger zone

ind what warning had been posted to shipping, and (2) what statements had
been made to the U, N. pertaining to atomic tests in the Marshall Islands.

Mr, Murray said that he wished to emphasize the importance of
‘Preventing access to the vessel because ofthe ‘information that might be

gained from ash samples.

The Commission then discussed a proposal by Mr,Zuckert that a

*Ommittee of the various agencies concerned be established to make

“commendations as to development6 in the testseries, After discussion,

-¢ Commission:

Defense and
. to study and
current test

to request the Department6 of State and
STF-7 to designate member6 of a committee
make recommendations on developments in the

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Select target paragraph3