Howard J. Peyton



at Bikini we were met by a Marshallese who was foreman for the Acme
Construction Co., who was constructing 40 houses for the Bikini
people when they returned to the Island. While on Bikini, three drink-

ing water samples and urine samples from the male workers on the Island
were collected. We also gathered pandanus fronds, coconut fronds,
pandanus fruit and coconuts for Dr. Held at the University of
Washington for analysis relative to residual radioactivity. Dr. Conard
also took nose swabs from the workers. After a short tour of the
Island, where I took pictures of the construction and coconut plantings, we returned to Eneu and departed via the Army plane for

The next day, Saturday, November 6 (Cannikin Day) we segregated and

identified the samples we had collected on Bikini for shipment to

Honolulu and transshipment on to Dr. Held at Washington, and Dr. Conard
at Brookhaven. Also listened to the countdown on the Armed Forces

radio braodcast. On November 8, we met with Col. Fishback, Island

Commander, and explained the purpose of the survey. Col. Fishback
was very receptive and advised that we could count on the Kwajalein

cooperation. We departed Kwajalein at 11:30 a.m. via MAC for


On November 9, I met with Bill Hills and Joe Dryden, Bob Woltz,

Ray Lamb, Fred Bertrum and various other Holmes & Narver people
relative to the survey and gave them the list of survey materials

and supplies required to be at Kwajalein by March 1, 1972. In

addition, made arrangements to purchase a new outboard motor for
the AEC boat. On November 10, visited the U.S, Army Hospital at

Tripler and the AEC Honolulu office finalizing the requirements

for the survey and making arrangements for the reception of the

patients at Tripler on March l.

Departed Honolulu on November 11, and arrived in Las Vegas that

a VA

Attachment No.


Granich Memo

Attachment No,






Streenan to Hanson

Select target paragraph3