
Howard J. Peyton


Dr. Conard and I departed Las Vegas, on October 28, 1971, and
arrived in Honolulu early that afternoon. We were met at the airport

by Bob McCurtin and taken to the AEC office in Honolulu. At the

Honolulu office we met with Bill Hill, Joe Dryden, and various people
with the Holmes & Narver organization. We outlined the requirements
for support of the forthcoming AEC survey.

On October 29, Dr. Conard and I metwith various individuals at the
U.S. Army Hospital at Tripler. The purpose of the meeting at Tripler
was to make the necessary arrangements for four of the exposed
Rongelap people who had had previous thyroid surgery at Brookhaven
to have a complete thyroid examination performed. The Tripler people,

Lt. Col. Frank Luccie, Capt. Dicey, Mrs. Takemoto, and Maj. Van Hertum,

were very cooperative and all arrangements for the admission of the
four patients on or about March 1 were made.

On Saturday, October 30, Dr. Conard and I went out to Waipahu, a
little town on the island of Oahu, where Dr. Conard examined two
of the Rongelap people who were staying at Waipahu and going to

school there.

On Sunday, October 31, Dr, Conard and I left Honolulu for the
Marshall Islands. We stopped at Midway, Kwajalein, and landed at
Majuro on Monday, November 1. One day was lost because of crossing
the International Date Line. That afternoon we met with various
individuals of the Trust Territory including Jim Puloa, Public
Works Officer, George Nakanishi Trust Territory Agriculturist, and
Lou Glenn who is the Trust Territory representative who had just
returned from Bikini. In discussing Bikini with Lou, we found out

there were a few people now living on Bikini and Eneu.

The next day, November 2, we met with Dr. Treigor Ishoda, the Acting
Director of the Trust Territory Hospital on Majuro, wherein we discussed the forthcoming survey and the requirement of having certain
patients available at Majuro for examination. Dr. Conard requested
that several of the Trust Territory medical people be allowed to
participate in the survey trip. Treigor agreed to make the T.T.

arrangements for the patient's trip to Tripler Hospital in Honolulu.
The T.T. will take care of the patient's travel and per diem within
the Marshall Islands and the AEC will reimburse the T.T. for those

costs, The rates will be in accordance with the established T.T.


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