the initial gemma exposure date in Table 5.16. Uncorrected exposure
values are listed in the individual shet tables in Chapter 3.

2.3.2 Besidval Exposure Calibration. In ender to evaluste the
initial gamma exposure, it was often necessary to estimate the resiéesl

@uumen exposure. Some of the dosimeters associated with the quarts-fiber

ts of
Gevice and the mechanical dropping mechanion yieléel measuremen

yesidual gues reiistion. Over the limited areas of interest (300 feet

ures aid
or less) the fallout pattern was generally continuous and expos
not vary greatly, hence it was possible te estimate the exposures at
stations where no specific data were availabie.

These estinates were

consistent both with calculations based on measurenents of yesifival
gaume intensity mate at the time of station instrument recovery, and wth

ct 2.2. Stations
integrated rate versus tine measurements male Wy Proje

located en the reef anf in the tidal wash area vere evalusted separately,
since the residual exposure in these areas may be reduced by « facter

ef ten, depending on the water-lend geometry ond tidal wash. In cases

where the estinated residual exposure exceeds the resultent initial

exposure, an afditional wuacertainty fecter mst be aided to the normal

eccuracy fector.

ST. Luis HAC

It is desirable te correct the residual exposure values obtained
inside the station to those that would exist outside the station if the
Gosineters were unshielded.

Yo determine this correction facter, desineters

were wired flush to the euteide of seus stations were they would be exyeeted to survive the blast and thermal effects af the event.

In seme cases,

four instruments uniformly speeced about an 68-inch 0.3. pipe were used.

Select target paragraph3