response to high-energy neutrons.

As far es could be determined from the

experiment, the two components are independent end afditive.

The cali-

bration Gata for neutron flux was furnished APEC by H-2 division at LASL.
Tt was assumed that any perturbation in flux caused by the EBS file
holders would be emali.

Neutron-sensitivity values are compared to the

enyant of Co game refiation required to produce the sane optical

Table 8.5 sumerizes the data obtained.

For all shots except Cherokee, the relative air densities are 0.895
+ .008.

Yor Cherokee it was 0.867; however, the date were adjusted to

@ relative air density ef 0.595 to permit comparison ef results.


air-density aijustment was made fer the ether events.

In analyzing the initial data to determine the flux that existed._+
outside the station, it is important te teke into accomt the attenuation

offered by the station and the instrumentation inside.

Table 2.6

presents a list of station types and calculated shielding correction
factors based en a 3.5-Mev game energy in accordance vith the assuptions of Reference 85.

A mrtual instrument-shielding correction fecter

for each station type was estimated and is given in Table 2.6. sm expersmentally determined film betatron calibration factor ef 0.9 is alse

listed. The tenbined correction facters were computed from the abeve-

xentiened factors. Yhe betatron calibration factor applied to the fila

Wo betatron calibration data were available for the querts-fiber

end ehemtcal dosimeters, snd a factor of 1.0 was assumed. ST. LOS The

sombined correction factor was used enly in the analysis of

Select target paragraph3