meters was suspended by a wire fren e piece ef angle iron en the top of

the cap.

The shock front activated this group.

A third set of dosineters

was suspended frome mechanical 60-secend yhotographic timer. The timer
was activated when the thermal refiation burned through a plece ef black

nylon string. The instruments dropped approximately 1 minute after the

In afdition, one set of dosineters remined fixed at the

top of the statien and ancther at the botten.
The dosimeters were affixed in this fashien to afford an opportunity

to measure the rediation up to the tine of activation and then be dropped
to the bottom of the pipe for shielding from residual radiation.


the dosimeters integrated the dose received wp to the tine of arrival ef

thermal anf chock pulses, the dose received up to 1 mimute, and total "*

Station Layout, Utilisation, and Construction.

layout and utilisation are given in Table 2.3.

‘The station

‘The station construction

is show in Table 2,4, since the ancumt of shielding surrounding the

detector is of importance in the date analysis.


- Beries 210 stations consisted ef en 18-inch epen-did aluminas ©’

cylinder mounted 36 inches above the ground on a &-inch-diameter aluxinum

The dosimeters were retained by a bolt of each end ef the cylinder.

Series M10, 211, 212, and 213 stations were eonstructed of steel
Pipe capped at both ends.

‘The pipes were mounted vertically /n the ground

with the exceptian of Series 212, where the pipes were mumted vertically
in the center of a 6-foot eoncrete evbe, the surface ef which wes flush
with the grount.

Select target paragraph3