Lee Angeles were of three main types,’ all based ex the same principle,
to wit, acid formed from the irradiation ef a chlorinated hydrocarbon is

@ linear function of radiation exposure throughout s broad range (25 to
100,000 r) (References 6, 18, 19, 80, ané 21).
All dosimeters were of the direct-reading type, accompliahed by
@veervation of eolor changes in the indicater dye.

The eclor change in

most iustances is from red (pi 6.0 or above) to yellow (pX 5.6 or

Since the color transition ef the indicator dye is a function of

exposure, the exposure doses can be estimated by color comparison with
irradiated controls.

Evaluation of overexposures (pH 5.6 er below) are determined by
the titration of the acid formed per millimeter of chlorinated hydrocerfoo

with standardised 107) Normal NaOH. ‘he anoust of base required to return
the overlaying acidinetric dye to ite preirradiation px value is a
weasure of the acid produced by the absorbed dose.

Use of predetermined

date for the system in respect to sensitivity te Co™ game radiation
(namely the milliequivalents ef acid protuced per milliliter ef

ehlorinated hydrocarbon per roentgen gbsorved) anf division of these
values into the acid produced by the uknowm exposure yields the gama
Goses in roentgens.

The Air Poree dosineters from Shots Cherokee and

Zuni were read in the field by let Lt. 8. C. Sigoloff, USAF, of Project

4.2. ‘the rest of the dosineters were forwarded to the United States for
reading and evaluation by the furnishing agency.


2.2.4 Rediac Detector DT-60/MD. Project 2.72 supplied 175 DT-60's,
end these were exposed to Ehots Flathead and Navajo.


‘Those exposed to

Select target paragraph3